Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 4

Today was a lazy day for us. I puttered around, hubby was on the computer and the boys played. We took them to the movies and we saw the new Ice Age movie in 3D. They loved it and I have to confess that I did too. They can't wait to see it again. They will have to wait until it comes out on dvd though. 3D movies are crazy expensive!
Before we went to the movie they were playing in the kitchen. For the past few years my hubby has gotten them this stuff called "Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty". They love the stuff. Today's photo is of their creations. Nicolas came and got me to see what he had made. I had to walk into the kitchen with my eyes closed so I couldn't peak. He is quite creative when he puts his mind to it. (His creation is in blue). Benjamin jumped on board and made his guy next. Only it isn't a guy, it is me. At least he made me smiling. lol I love how creative they can be......


Jamie's Project 365 said...

Those are so cute Donna! I will have to get Hannah some of that stuff, she would have a ball! :)

Donna said...

You can order it on line. I've had to enforce the fact that it has to stay in the kitchen where it can't damage anything. They took it in the living room once (only once) and got it stuck all over the couch cushion. It took a long time before I could get most of it out. I was not a happy camper at that point. But they sure do love the stuff.

Cyndisproject365 said...

That was a great movie, I enjoyed it too! And I love the putty!! Their creations are fantastic. Lazy days are the best!!

Stephanie said...

Those are great! I love eyes closed surprises like that. :)